
November is "Art Every Day Month"

After doing some surfing around other CZT Zentangle blogs today, I found an intriguing challenge from Leah Piken Kolidas on her blog Creative Every Day. Her challenge is known as the Art Every Day Month (AEDM) Challenge and she has been doing this for the past nine years. The challenge encourages people to create art everyday for the entire month of November. http://creativeeveryday.com/art-every-day-month

Honestly, this challenge is incredibly daunting. It is quite a commitment and there is a bit of pressure involved. Writing about it here certainly demands a level of accountability.

But Creative Every Day writes that the purpose is not to feel overwhelmed, pressured or guilt-stricken. Instead this is meant to inspire creativity in any form and nudge participants to make something every day. There's even a Survival Guide for extra support.

My thought is, "if I don't push myself, no one else will". So I'm taking a leap, dragging Lauren with me, and joining Creative Every Day for a month of creativity!